AllFans ForumNews

Chelsea Fans Forum Meeting

CSG6The second Fans Forum meeting of the season will be held this Sunday 1st December before the home match with Southampton

The Club will have Jon Reeves from Thomas Cook and Keith Overstall, the Club’s head of security present, to discuss relevant agenda items.

Items for Agenda are:

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the last meeting: changes to the minutes/ matters arising
  3. Thomas Cook
  4. Security
  5. Ticketing
  6. Atmosphere
  7. Any other business

Small issues can be raised without advance notice under AOB at any meeting.

If any members wish the Group to raise any issues please contact us as shown below BEFORE 27th November 2013 (short notice we know but we have only just received this information)

To get your Fans Forum issues to us you can either e-mail here

Or contact us via twitter at @CSG2005

Or simply leave as a comment at the bottom of this article

Liz Nurse – CSG Fans Forum Representative

(Please note: The Fans Forum DO NOT discuss team matters!)

Related Images:

6 thoughts on “Chelsea Fans Forum Meeting


    I advise the club to look for a prolific striker who is not match tied come january 2014,it almost backfired when Benitez brought Demba in january this year.

    • Please see footnote in article above – Ed

  • as far as i am concerned i would like chelsea not to waste mata’ s talent on the bench and let him leave the club so as to save his world cup dream. i also strongly beleive that oscar is the best choice for mourinho in the no10 role

    • Please see footnote in article above – Ed

  • West Side

    I know it’s probably too late for this forum but can we ask the Club to try not to have electronic advertising behind the goals with white or yellow backgrounds.
    I realise advertisers pay a lot of money but if the ball is in the eyeline of supporter and advertising, eg. rolling along the ground, you can’t always see the ball.

  • West Side

    And another thing.
    What is presumably a safety rail has been erected at the bottom edge of the screen on top of the MHL stand.
    When the latest scores scroll across the bottom of the screen, many of us in the Shed Upper now can’t see the scores properly because the safety rail is in the way.
    Could the scores be moved so that they scroll across the top of the screen ?

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