Statement On Racist Abuse
From the official Chelsea FC website:
“Everyone at Chelsea FC is disgusted with the racist abuse Reece James received on social media on Friday evening.
This club finds racism and all forms of discriminatory behaviour completely unacceptable. We totally condemn it.
In sport, as in wider society, we must create a social media environment where hateful and discriminatory actions are as unacceptable online as they would be on the street.
We add our voice to those urging social media platforms and regulatory authorities to take stronger, more effective and more urgent action against this despicable behaviour.
Something needs to change and it needs to change now”
‘Chelsea Supporters Group’ can be found on Twitter and Facebook

Ive been a Chelsea fan since i could walk,i love the banter with other fans…it sickens me to hear about racial abuse…i watched a film about kkk based in the 1920s it seems these people that are racists are no different and their brains haven’t developed and very much behind the rest of us in their mentality…when are these people going to realise we are all made the same but all look different so we are actually the same.why so racists think their better because of skin colour…these people really need help mentally..NO ROOM FOR RACISM NO MORE.