Chelsea Fans Forum Meeting
The second Fans Forum meeting of the season will be held on the Monday 11th November
If you would like anything bought up at the meeting please either tweet, reply or e mail to the links shown below.
Additionally the Forum will have another meeting with NIKE on Monday 2nd December
Please contact us with your comments for BOTH meetings Before 4th November – Issues raised after this date will not be taken to the meeting.
To get your Fans Forum issues to us you can either e-mail here
Or contact us via twitter at @CSG2005
Or simply leave as a comment at the bottom of this article

Simon Lister – CSG Fans Forum Representative
(Please note: The Fans Forum DO NOT discuss team matters!)
‘Chelsea Supporters Group’ can be found on Twitter and Facebook
I would like you to address the subject of the virtual waiting room.I personally never manage to get away tickets.No matter what time I log in.Whether it is 6am or 6.59am.The system is a lottery and so frustrating.Also I think for home games for people not to be able to pick what seat they sit in is in 2019 a joke.If you go to the theatre etc you get a seating plan and can choose.I am a season ticket holder so this doesnt affect me normally but for caraboa cup games etc I bring my grandchildren along so would like to sit them by an aisle if possible.All important matters to me as a match going fan for 55 years.I hope you dont see this as petty complaints as I love CFC.Keep up the good work and am enjoying this season so much already.
John Jones (old school north stand)