Individual Adult and Junior CSG Membership is FREE
You can pay for ‘overseas’ membership or, order all CSG merchandise from the ‘dropdown’ Paypal link on the bottom right of this page or, contact us here for further information
For FREE Adult and Junior CSG Membership click on the ‘contact us‘ page, please ensure you include your name, address, DOB and contact number and, put ‘Membership’ in the subject box. Your membership pack will follow.(POSTAGE – FREE delivery to UK, please add £2.00 for postage to Europe – £5.00 for all other countries)
CSG Merchandise:
CSG Pin Badge : £3.00 (POSTAGE – FREE delivery to UK, please add £2.00 for postage to Europe – £4.00 for all other countries)
# ‘Veni, Vidi, Vici’ T Shirt : £5.00 (POSTAGE – FREE delivery to UK, please add £5.00 for postage to Europe – £16.00 for all other countries)
# Polo Shirt : £20.00 (POSTAGE – FREE delivery to UK, please add £5.00 for postage to Europe – £16.00 for all other countries)
# Please state ‘SIZE’ for T Shirts and Polo Shirts when ordering
Just complete the details below right on the Paypal link
All merchandise payments will automatically be given FREE MEMBERSHIP with order of goods
Due to processing costs we longer accept cheques
Your Membership pack will be forwarded to you in the near future (Please allow 28 days for delivery on T Shirts and Polo Shirts if not in current stock).