
First round applications close for Chelsea FC’s fan advisory board

From the official Chelsea FC website:

On Friday 24 March, applications closed for the first round of Chelsea FC’s Fan Advisory Board. The club received over 3,000 applications from supporters hoping to be selected.

The Fan Advisory Board (the FAB) provides a mechanism for supporters to be engaged and consulted on the club’s strategic vision and objectives, as well as medium- and long-term decision making.

The FAB will meet at least three times a year with Chelsea FC board member Lord Daniel Finkelstein OBE, head of supporter relations Cat Smith, alongside senior club executives who will be in attendance at all meetings.

The club currently has three supporter advisors to the board. They will continue to attend club board meetings and one of the three supporter advisors will chair the FAB. 

Now that the first round of applications has closed, each application will be reviewed, provided a score against a set of criteria and the nominations committee, made up of internal and external representatives, will begin an interview process to select three to four candidates.

The intention is for the FAB members to be announced by the end of the current season.





‘Chelsea Supporters Group’ can also be found on Twitter and Facebook

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