
Is It Anti Chelsea Bias?

Why has the BBC standards in sport just continued to not just fall but drop of the scale. They are slow at picking up news, slow on the making of sports headlines and do they have some anti Chelsea bias?

Being an ex-pat I follow some aspect of Global news and subscribe the BBC Global Minds, which in the BBC’s own words is an online community of BBC viewers listeners’ and website visitors brought together to provide global feedback on BBC content.

Each month we are sent several emails on the BBC’s content and how in our minds did with think of the BBC’s service.

So here today we have the monthly “What do you think the top stories were of May 2012″… well we have the usual suspects Queen’s 60th Jubilee, Italian Earthquakes, some Mexican politician being a bit risky in the past, the odd legal case here and there, all very big news stories now doubt, and even Man City’s Premier League win, but surprise surprise not a peep on Chelsea winning the Champions League!

Now I wonder why that was?

I gather it made news on all the other world networks, and a fair few very minor networks, it even made news on local radio stations out in the sticks and a good 200 kilometres from Bangkok, it was even reported in local language newspapers… so why did the BBC miss it?

Now forgive me for being just a touch bias, the BBC still has it headquarters in London, not everything has migrated to the province of Manchester, Broadcasting House still operates in London, even if Television Centre is now another white Elephant (funny enough a white elephant in Thailand is close to divine intervention and considered most lucky) Chelsea’s Champions League victory against all the odds possible, giving a story of close to biblical proportions in the sporting world as there has been.

However much credit to Manchester City for winning their first Premier League in half a life time, but on a Global Scale and not wanting to be controversial ….. have all the BBC sports reporters been sticking their fingers in their ears, and there heads in the sand and mumbling on to themselves as not to notice events at Munich?

BBC does create some wonderful and amazing programs and products, but sports coverage is not one of them, if Talk sport who are renowned windup merchants can create a better service, ESPN has more note worthy contributions, and Sky Sports kicks everything else in the shade.

The BBC has not just lost the plot but have no clue where to find it, and I doubt they would know what to do if they did find it… far from British they should be noted as the MBC Manchester Broadcasting Company…. as they fail (in 2012) to be representative of a Global audience

Posted by Voltaire

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21 thoughts on “Is It Anti Chelsea Bias?

  • fan gutted at us losing the battersea site

    never mind the BBC when are CSG going to comment on our failed bid for Battersea?

    and why didnt you campaign to help the club in its bid?

    • Blame, blame, blame, blame! You sound familiar!

      • fan gutted at us losing the battersea site

        well its a fair question to ask

        any other clubs fan groups would have been going potty over the chance to build a stadium on that site

        we though have completely ignored it, whats going on, CSG was quick enough to organise the sayno campaign claiming that if the bid had been for battersea they would have supported it

        well the bid is for battersea but where is the support?

        or even the tiniest comment – its bizarre

        they simply post a link to the club statements and leave it at that

        • “CSG was quick enough to organise the sayno campaign”

          Where do you get your info from? the CSG joined sayno committee after it was originally set up independantly of the CSG after our members agreed to this decision.
          Once their stance changed we decided it was time to leave them to it.
          Do please try and get the facts correct before you comment.

          • fan gutted at us losing the battersea site


            sounds like a fair bit of organising going on there

            come on lets not be disingenuous the CSG was very active in the sayno campaign, yes you pulled out after getting the required no vote

            BUT the impression was always given that if the club had only stated the site was Battersea then they would have been given support

            Well the club called everyones bluff and bid for Battersea but the silence I must say has been deafening from the supporter groups since that bid

            this cannot be denied

            why the reticence the lack of comment and most of all the lack of visible support for the club – this has enormous impact on our club and our future success or otherwise – to just completely ignore it is not on

          • fan gutted at us losing the battersea site

            PS I normally post as malden blue – but felt the ‘fan gutted at us losing the battersea site’ was more apt given my feelings on the matter

            dont want to be duplicitous so thought id make that clear

    • How can we comment on something which we know very little about. We don’t know how good the bid was – how it compared to the other bids, the value – anything – any comment would be purely supposition or a personal view. If you want my personal view here it is – personally I would have liked Battersea as it was a site which would still embody the feeling if Chelsea.
      As for helping with the bid – how exactly do you propose we could have done that?

      • fan gutted at us losing the battersea site

        by doing what you did when the CPO vote was announced originally – getting together as much support as possible, contacting the media other support groups etc

        loom at what the liverpool fan groups are doing re their new ground – very active

        the contrast is astounding

        instead of which not a single effort or attempt to back the club, they went into that bid without a single ounce of backing or pressure being put on the authorities by our fans groups

    • Are you a CSG member by the way?

    • Hi, First of all thank you for responding to this post on the BBC.

      Can I reply in saying whilst a member of CSG ( who in my own view do a lot for Chelsea supporters worldwide and view on ordinary Chelsea fans) I am not an executive of the group and make no comment on behalf of the group as I am not in the position to do so.

      But as you have addressed a question to me: On the first proposal from the club to Chelsea Pitch Owners, the original proposal was on several matters, ignorant, insulting, and quite unsatisfactory. Personnaly I found it presented in a manner which was worse than insulting. Having said that, I am and have been 100% supportive that the club would be successful with its bid at BPS.

      In my view only we need to move to a bigger site in aid to help our development of the club. I can only recommend that with your strong feelings you could be best served by supporting one of the Chelsea supporters groups, it does not have to be the CSG, but I do feel they work very hard on getting a better deal for us ordinary supporters like you and me.

      I do feel that CPO needs to wake up to the reality of moving on, it was set up to protect the club, but now maybe that insurance is no longer required. I for one never dreamed we would be European Champions

      • fan gutted at us losing the battersea site

        fair enough – i think however the rushed nature of the first CPO offer was more down to the club seeeing the battersea site suddenly become available as the irish owner had got into trouble financially rather than any attempt at something sinister

        but my main beef is with this and other supporters groups who have done less than nowt to help the club in the battersea bid in fact they havnt even acknowledged it apart from posting up the official club statement

        contrast that to the frenzy of activity after the original CPO announcement

        the implications to me are that in reality they are dead set against any move

        we should have been badgering the politicians and using all our media contacts to garner support just as happened with the sayno campaign which was successful in getting enough people to say no

        plus it isnt too late – the malaysians havnt signed yet so if we could attack the bid saying its a disgrace that yet more millionaires flats are being built with the working man being ignored in his wish for a football stadium

        this might create problem for their bid – but not a thing has been done why not?

        • The whole aspect about the first CPO meeting/offer was a disaster on all sides. The previous BPS owner had been in deep trouble for a number of years (I posted such on the CFC chat site in 2010 and 2011).

          It don’t think that the CPO meeting had much really to do with BPS site alone. The club could have got involved with the BPS situation any time prior to 2009.

          My view only is that maybe Earls court was a better option, or a re-development of SB.

          I doubt that any of us expected to be in a position of being able to look at a bigger stadium because we have out grown it. SB has had its capacity reduced several time and H&S is a serious restriction on our development.

          Having a hotel at the time a fair idea as everything was about survival, but it left the Shed End badly reduced in capacity.

          Remember it took years with a difficult council to even get the West Stand finished. Now we are essential to the council for its revenue streams for a long time. PLus many of the private outlets have treated Chelsea fans in a woefull manner over the past 10 years….. I’d be delighted to move away from SB for several reasons.

          It’s a mare to get to and from, parking has been a joke for years, plus notes from above. On a personal level its not the same at it was, and it lost its soul with the distruction of the shed.

          I’m doubtful the ground could be developed into anything like a suitable stadiun for our future. In short we have out grown it. The local council have block us and been a pain in the ass for years, so another reason to move to where we will be better supported.

          BPS is not yet dead, unlikely but not dead yet. I’m not sure on Earls Court, as personnally it would be much better, OOC sits uncomfortable its not our patch. BBC television centre is a poor alternative.

          I gather there are other undisclosed options, not sure about the one close to us due south and I cant remember its name, but google maps will show it.

          However there is some thing about a site closer to the centre…

          Whilst we have an owner who is beyond doubt (so far) the board have been in the past a PR liability, and been quite aloof and condersending to supporters. If they had done their job with some common sence last time it could have been a easy yes, but sadly being a senior excutive has ment in recent years acting like a prize tit with no understanding then sorry the club got it wrong, so maybe the club has learned a valuble lesson.

          I do understand that many have a unique position at CPO, but the club really did not help its own cause. Anyway, CPO has served its time, the insurance maybe is not required, but it would be nice to have it transferred to the new ground, nice but not essential.

          As long as the club remains in its local position (which is with out doubt very difficult) in London, sayno have really proved a point and its time to move on.

          The club has just to learn a basic business position, deal with your supporters with some common sence and genuine respect and not treat them with ill regard. Its much easier to get people to work with you if done in a better way. PR skills or HR skills of numpties.

          All is not lost as you say, we need a bigger place, CPO has done its job, and we are a completely different Club to those dark days when Dein from Arsenal tried to get us kicked out.

          European Champions, never ever in my life time…. We are no longer a big club in London, or infact in England… we are a Global big club with amazing potential to get much bigger.

  • Marc CFC/BKK

    Correct; I too am a Chelsea UK expat in Bangkok and, unless following the football, you could have been forgiven to have missed City’s Prem Lg win but you could not escape the wonder of Chelsea’s Champs Lg win here and I doubt anywhere else in the world but clearly the BBC doesn’t deem London’s first ever success in the biggest football club competition and in the most spectacular fashion worthy as a ‘top story’; shame you BBC, those standards continue to slip; woe

    • Marc,

      If you ever want to meet up for a game it would be great. Any decent sports bar would be just fine. If near the BTS or MRT even better.

  • You got it right in one!
    I don’t like to use words like that in general, especially in regard to your very good report on the matter! But unfortunately the coverage by the Beeb in support and recognition of our achievement was poor and plainly overlooked!
    The Beeb Match Of the day programme is also in my opinion not so much anti Chelsea, but extremely pro Northern teams in general! About time they introduced a southerner on the panel and by that I mean a man who was born south and not just played for a southern team like, unlike one of the regulars!

  • Really surprised. One would imagine Chelsea winning the Champions League would be one of the top stories of 2012 let alone May 2012.
    An English team winning the Champions League would be top news anyway but the way Chelsea won it as you mentioned was nothing short of a miracle and a display of English grit and determination.

  • Bluebrain

    Sadly the BBC and Football are no longer friends.
    I find it very embarrassing that the BBC does not promote British clubs. In addition, the quality of impartiality on Match of the Day and other football progs has declined alot since the days of Carpenter, Wolstenholme et al. Embarrassingly so.
    The BBC’s growing ineptitude is so very noticeable on programmes like Football Focus when mention is made of clubs progress (or otherwise) in Europe and all they can come up with is a few press photographs. “Chelsea overcame a 3-1 deficit to win the second leg 4-1…” cue photo of Branislav Ivanovic.
    Embarrassing! Very embarrassing.
    I know that the BBC has to allocate (their more limited, but still significant) funds to cover all sports, but really is a photo of a newsworthy player really a sound replacement for the quality of service the BBC used to provide?
    Emphatically, and embarrassingly not.
    Dont expect much from the BBC in the way of quality reporting or coverage from now on.
    Happily, soon the BBC will lose the franchise for Premier League and ITV will continue in its place. Now I’m not saying ITV are as good or slick as BBC – they aren’t – but at least their heart is in the right place.

  • Joebocskei

    BBC biast ? No. Just fiersly anti Russian like all poms.After all the BBC is financed by the British forein office.If chelsea had an American owner BBC would love them .

  • El Fenomeno

    One should listen to that prcik Nicky Campbell and his band of manu fans on 5live in the mornings, they’ll use anything to beat Chelsea with. There is never any mention of the of the ‘three missed drug tests’ cheat, or of anything that the scouse slag shagger might have been up to, or come to think of it the effervescent 52 year old sister-in-law shagger. Just give it to them whenever you can.
    Regarding Battersea Power Station nothing is done and dusted these malaysians have only got to find the money now. Chelsea will get the PS but at their price, who else has actually got the money that has such a vested interest……….no one. Once things look clearer the CPO will again be propositioned and permission will be given for the move to, can you imagine quite possibly one of the most iconic looking football grounds in the world, I can’t wait, as a Battersea boy of over 50 years it can’t come soon enough. As for the new season and all these players coming in, where’s Super Frank going to be in all this? COYB

  • Chelsea Ces

    Re Battersea … zzzzzzz

    No one has ‘won’ the bid. The Malaysian consortium, who bid the most money, has 28 days to do due dilligence when, no doubt, they will find out that the offer they made doesn’t stack up. Then everyone is back in the picture again.

    As for anti-Chelsea bias — the agenda at the moment seems to be more anti-JT than the club itself. And this is right across the media and started long before the Wayne Bridge and Anton Ferdinand non-stories.

    • Agree 100% BPS is not a dead issue yet. Plus your comments about media witch hunt on JT is very true. The Wayne Bridge farce was just that a farce. There are issued about the Ferdinand situation, and if JT is cleared, then there are many people who could be facing serious comebacks for woeful media bias reporting. All in all its anything to have a side swipe at Chelsea, we just have a very biased and poor media

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